In honour of Gæa
- Gæa Chthonia
- Mater Panton
- Mother Earth

Transcription of image
Bréf til framtíðarinnar
Ok er fyrsti nafnkunni jökullin til að missa titil sinn.
Á næstu 200 árum er talið að allir jöklar
landsins fari sömu leið.
Þetta minnismerki er til vitnis um að við vitum
hvað er að gerast og
hvað þarf að gera.
Aðeins þú veist hvort við gerðum eitthvað.
A letter to the future.
Ok is the first Icelandic glacier to lose its status as a glacier.
In the
next 200 years all our glaciers are expected to follow the same path.
This monument is to
acknowledge that we know
what is happening and what needs to be done.
Only you know if we did
415 ppm CO2
O Mother Earth, of Gods and men the ſource,
endured with fertile,
all-deſtroying force;
All-Parent, bounding, Whoſe prolific powers
produce a ſtore of beauteous
fruits and flowers.
All-various Queen, the immortal world’s ſtrong base,
eternal, bleſsèd, crowned
with every grace;
from Whoſe wide womb as from an endleſs root,
fruits many-formed, mature, and
grateful ſhoot.
Broad-boſomed, bleſsed, pleaſed with graſsy plains,
ſweet to the ſmell, and with
prolific rains.
All-flowery Dæmon, Centre of the world,
around Thy ſphere the beauteous ſtars are
with rapid whirl, eternal and divine,
Whoſe frames with matchleſs ſkill and wiſdom
Come, bleſsèd Goddeſs, liſten to my prayer,
and make increaſe of fruits Thy conſtant
with fertile ſeaſons in Thy train draw near,
and with propitious mind Thy ſuppliants hear.