Sonic Robo Blast 2: The Game: The Fan Page

Sonic Robo Blast 2 is an open-source fan game based on a heavily, heavily modified version of Doom. In slow but steady development since 1998, it predates even the franchise’s own official leap into 3D and i dare say (probably uncontroversially) that it far surpasses some of Sonic Team’s own latter-day releases.1
Like every Sonic game, good or bad, it also comes with a banging soundtrack. Check out Techno Hill Zone Act 2 or Arid Canyon Zone Act 1.
Cool mods
Silver the Hedgehogby Lat’
The bestest boy in canon finally gets to be playable in a game that’s actually fun. The mechanics may take a while to get the hang of, but when you do, they completely change the game in boss battles.
XMomentumby Frostiikin
Do you like to go fast? Like doing cool tricks on springs? Then this is the mod for you.
Blaze and Marineby Inazuma
Straight from Sonic Rush2, these two mix incredible speed with unparalleled control, their movesets fitting into the vanilla game like a glove. Probably my favourite characters of all to play.
Shadow the Edgehogby Inazuma
Now you, too, can teleport around the game as the living embodiment of a Hot Topic! Plus, don’t tell anyone, but both this mod and the two characters above secretly let you summon hilariously janky vehicles to ride around in once you collect all the Chaos Emeralds. 10/10.
Custom Jinglesby SlainLBS
Because it’s a crime to go Super as Silver without “Dreams of an Absolution” playing in the background.
Tangle the Lemurby light dasher
I’ve only known about Tangle for five minutes, but if anything happened to her, i would kill everyone in this room and then myself. This mod really makes you feel like Spider-Man™.
Modern Sonicby MotdSpork
Blast through levels at ludicrous speed, with a choice of six (count ’em) different custom huds lovingly recreated from the modern games.
Official Level Design Collab 2023, round 2by everyone
Every so often, some modders will get together and make a massive pack of custom levels for your perusal. I like this one best because the hub world is a themed shopping centre, with little stores for every map.
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