Well, i don’t know about you, but i’ve had a nice few weeks. Went to see the new Batman at the cinema, bought some records, went out on a couple of jaunts — you get the idea. Anyway. Links.
- Noah Verrier, oil painter
- Angus Barbieri’s fast
- Jim Carrey covers “Creep” — perhaps the only song that gets better when sung off-key
- The GoJauntly app generates green walking routes in your local area — right up my alley! I think it’s only in the UK for now, alas
- Hollywood greenlights a Billie Joel biopic… despite not having any rights to his music, name, or image — good luck with that
- Ukraine’s ateliers are pivoting to the business of Molotov cocktails
- An ominous emergency broadcast two days before a train crash in Hoboken: “Would you, could you, on a train?”
- An excellent website for an excellent dog
- GNU Terry Pratchett — “A man is not dead while his name is still spoken.”
- A manhwaα version of Asimov’s The Last Question
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