- “Spacebloom: A Field Guide to Cosmic Xflora”. What? Via last roundup’s Complete Review.
- The Bulbdial Clock: a clock that has lights instead of hands
- Went down a bit of a slide rule rabbit hole…
- How the Netherlands feeds the world with the future of technology. Please stand for the national anthem.
- New otter species just dropped
- Richard Eijiro von Coudenhove-Kalergi, the half-Japanese Euro-federalist count who suggested “Ode to Joy” as the continent’s anthem and thought all races and castes would merge in the future into “something like the Ancient Egyptians”
- A self-stabilising robotic tail designed for astronauts in microgravity. OwO?
- One blasted level is all that stands between the Super Mario Maker community and finishing every level ever uploaded before Nintendo shuts down the servers in two weeks.
- Further proof mathematics is evil and fake: Chaitin’s constants, numbers which exist but whose value we can never know.
- The new Porter Robinson track is, of course, a banger.
Page 5
The greatest impulse purchase in history
Step 1: Go on Wikipedia, as one does.
Step 2: Notice the following item in the “did you know” section.
Did you know… that Fabrizio Dori wants his comic book «Il dio vagabondo» to bring attention to an ancient Greek view of death?
Step 3: (See Figure 1.)

Step 4: Activate dedicated hyperlink-clicking neuron that has evolved after years of online brain poisoning.
Step 5: Oh my god the main character is a satyr who lives in a tent in the suburbs.
Step 6: Oh my god it’s beautifully illustrated. (See Figure 2.)

Step 7: Begin seriously weighing up the possibility of The Greatest Impulse Purchase In History.
Step 8: Ctrl-F “English”. No results.
Step 9: Wallow in non-Italian-speaking misery.
Step 10: Ctrl-F “Dutch” as a last-ditch effort. You have been meaning to brush up on it…
Step 11: Oh my god they did a Dutch translation before an English one.
Step 12: Google “amazon” even though you know the URL.
Step 13: Click onto Amazon and look up the Dutch name of the comic.
Step 14: Find out there is one (1) copy left in stock.
Step 15: Look at the price.
Step 16:
Step 17: Pretend you didn’t.
Step 18: Buy anyway.
Step 19: Notice that they’ve finally gotten rid of that 2003-ass UI in the purchase phase.
Step 20: You have now completed The Greatest Impulse Purchase In History. It will be there in a week.
Stuff i watched recently, Marchuary edition

Star Trek: The Next Generation, season three. How did i let myself not get around to this earlier‽ This is soft
sci-fi running at peak performance — a crew of hyper-competent and endearing1
people on a starship, sometimes just going on wacky space adventures, other times using science
fiction as a lens through which to view our own world. 10/10. My three favourite episodes so
- “Tin Man”. Our character actor of the week, Harry Groener, plays a member of a mildly telepathic species who has a small problem: he has Space Autism, thus can’t turn said telepathy off. Man, does this episode get it. Every little thing about him is painfully relatable, the ending reduced me to tears, and i would like seven seasons of a buddy cop spinoff show starring him and Data right now, please and thank you.
- “The Survivors”. The third episode in the season, this is the one that made me sit up and go: God damn, that’s good television. Our character of the week, John Anderson, is the man of the house for an elderly couple who are the only ones left after the decimation of their planet. I can’t reveal anything more than that, but he sells it like noöne else could.
- “Deja Q”. This one’s just funny.
- The Revenant (2015). Stepdad’s pick for family movie night. When the credits rolled, i thought it one of the best films i’d ever seen… but a few weeks on, i’m not so sure. The cinematography is epic, and Tom Hardy’s brilliant, no doubt, but i really feel more could have been mined from the premise. Leonardo DiCaprio’s half-Pawnee son in particular is the heart of the film, and the key role through which to interpret the conflict between the three warring groups, but he gets unceremoniously killed off halfway through, for no other reason than to bolster Mr Hardy’s villain cred and, i am left to infer, because the writers had no idea what to do with his character for the rest of the story. Mr DiCaprio himself goes completely overboard and could really take Lawrence Olivier’s advice to heart: “My dear boy, have you tried just acting?” 6½/10.
- True Stories (1986). My pick for family movie night. This sweet and mild-mannered musical comedy is David Byrne’s only director credit, and that’s a damned shame. Most places call it a satire, and i can’t help but think they’re projecting. This is a genuine ode to small-town American life, whatever its pros and whatever its cons, and next time i’m sick, i know exactly what i’ll be putting on. 8/10.2
- The Wicker Man (1973). Figured i’d watch a whimsical musical from the seventies in preparation for the next one on the list. Great vibes, great music, great ending, great showing from the legendary Christopher Lee3, but good heavens, is our main character ever an unsympathetic, bigoted prick. He’s stumbled on a conspiracy to murder, and he just won’t let go of the fact that he saw some NEKKID WIMMEN prancing around a henge! 7/10.
- Wonka (2024). Mama’s pick for family movie night. This is a bad idea for a movie and they should not have made it. That’s fine, though: lots of good films make poor ideas on paper. This isn’t one of them. Timothée Chalamet is terrible! You never once buy him as anything other than Timothée Chalamet in a hat. He’s far too much of a goody two-shoes — not a droplet of the sinister nature of Gene Wilder and Johnny Depp’s4 Wonkæ is anywhere to be found. 3/10.
- An American Werewolf in London (1981). Stepdad’s pick for family movie night. A bit of a throwaway, but there’s some good stuff in here, especially the titular American Werewolf (Who Went Hiking In The North But For Some Reason Is Taken To A Hospital) In London’s zombified friend. 6/10.
- I’m Thinking of Ending Things (2020). Shades of Tenet and Asteroid City here: it’s not Charlie Kaufman at his best, but it is Charlie Kaufman at his most, and he may have finally metatexted too close to the sun. Some really interesting stuff spread out over a turgidly paced first and second acts and a completely nonsensical third. I presume Jesse Plemons’s directions were just “pretend to be Philip Seymour Hoffman”. 5/10.
- Dune Reloaded / Dune 2: Dune Harder / D2NE (2024). Seen in Imax. A titanic achievement that improves upon the often unfeeling first in every way. I take back everything i said about Wonka — Mr Chalamet is magnetic in a way that cements him as the zoomer generation’s first true movie star. Every gushing ten-star review you’ve heard is true. See it now on the biggest screen you can, with bass that shakes the leather in your seat, because you’ll never forgive yourself if you don’t. 9/10, with that final point conditional on the inevitable third part hitting the mark.
Mx Tynehorne’s link roundup, volume XXVIII
- Every Best Picture winner ranked by how good a Muppets version would be
- Well this is fucking insane: real-time machine-learning image generation.1 The singularity is here; it’s just not evenly distributed yet (as the saying goes).
- Motion extraction
- A (perhaps overly credulous) profile of “Project Ceti”, which wants to talk to whales using machine learning
- “I went to a rave with the forty-six-year-old millionaire who claims to have the body of a teenager”
- Selfish reasons to want a larger human population
- I don’t know if this is real — i just follow the links; i don’t make them — but here’s something that claims to be an animation test for a never-announced cancelled Disney movie called King of the Elves.
- The Complete Review, a “literary saloon” of reviews specialising in translated obscura
- Hillman’s Hyperlinked and Searchable Chambers’ Book of Days. I’d quite like to do something like this with Apsley Cherry-Garrard’s The Worst Journey in the World once i get around to finishing it.2
- Movies that have the aesthetic of a sample video file you’d see early Windows computers use to demonstrate their media players
>called Kim Jong II
>not the second Kim Jong
>called Kim Jong Un
>not the first Kim Jong
A map of Paganism in England and Wales
I’ve been trying to pick up vector mapmaking, since the raster image editing situation on Linux is so dire — so here’s something.

60% or so of uploads of “Tainted Love” on Youtube have the 👏️👏️ muffled to a damp squib, and it’s always a game of Russian roulette trying to listen to it. A very, very mild game of Russian roulette. Belarusian roulette, maybe.
Mx Tynehorne’s link roundup, volume XXVII
I started watching Star Trek: The Next Generation recently — starting at season three, of course, as i was repeatedly advised — and i’m positively kicking myself for not doing it earlier. This is bloody good television (except Wesley, but i imagine they give up and throw him out the airlock at some point), and only now do i realise how often i have stood on the shoulders of giants without even knowing it…
(Data’s the best character. Obviously. He’s literally me™.)
- Anyway: holy shit, someone won the Vesuvius Challenge! A library of hundreds of ancient scrolls was turned into charcoal by the Pompeii eruption, dug up in the Victorian age, and now, with the advent of machine learning, we can finally find out what’s in them. Glimpses at life? Religious texts? The rest of the Epic Cycle? First up in the pile, it seems, is a newfound treatise on Epicurean philosophy.
- What would actually happen if you took your space helmet off in a vacuum? Geoffrey Landis, a Nasa scientist and sci-fi writer, answers. Spoilers: 2001 was right, you wouldn’t explode, and you could stay alive for around ninety seconds.
- Robert Martiensen, a retired rural Australian maths teacher, created thousands of artworks in secret
- The Hanging Stone is my Betelgeuse. Come on, tip over already…
- It’s kind of sad how short the TV Tropes page on works where “The Future Will Be Better” is.
I’ve been programming a music player and gotten deep in the weeds of metadata formatting — turns out the library i was using only supported reading, not editing — and i just have to say: thank the Gods for UTF-8.
In praise of mustelids

Hail, the mustelid! Greatest family of the animal kingdom, nay, the eukaryote demesne. They are nigh universally cute — a charming sausage shape — and often small, but unlike their tamèd brers and sisters in Canidæ and Felidæ, they have never succumbed to human domestication and demeaning.1
Indeed, they are deceptively mighty for their size; the least weasel, an accurate name if there ever was one, proudly squeaks as the smallest carnivore on land, and with its mighty jaw can take down a rabbit ten times its greater, or even, should you believe the ancient Greeks, a basilisk. (So goes it for the otter, too: a lutra lutra might never look like it has a single thought running through its head, but show it to a streamful of fish, and you will witness a bloodbath that would make Tamerlane blush.)
I might myself take a broader view of the term and insert an O in that mustelid, bringing us up to the dynasty Musteloidea, where not only weasels, martens, and otters roam, but the mischievous American raccoon, the adorable red panda, and the e’er-defensive skunk. But the title says “mustelids”, and i am not one to argue with my fifteen-minutes-ago self, so in our little kindred we shall remain.
A last thing to note before we return to pathetic Prīmātēs, the greatest thing in all the family, the peak of all the realm of life, the chief reason among chief reasons that mustelids are the best:
They all sound like squeaky toys.
Stuff i watched recently

- Some Like It Hot (1959). My pick for family movie night. I’ve been accused of being a bit of a “miserabilist” (i’m sorry, but Synecdoche, New York bangs, and i have no regrets on making them watch it), so i thought i’d kick the year off with something a bit funny, a bit light-hearted, and a bit gay, and cor, was this an absolute classic! A comedy from the fifties about two men cross-dressing to infiltrate a women’s jazz band should be positively radioactive, but this misses all the potential pipelines of “well, you know, back in the day…” sewage and instead hits a gold-mine of timeless commentary on gender relations. I’m on Team Daphne — he’s so much more confident in being a woman than Josephine and does not deserve that terrible toad man. (And, having seen both this and Rear Window, i can finally weigh in: Grace Kelly is a thousand times prettier than Marilyn Monroe. Sorry.) An instant 10/10.
- “Noöne knows who created skull trumpet (until now)”. Had to click this as soon as it appeared on my feed. There’s really something beautiful about the amateurism of the early web, how a woman with no formal training in graphic design or anything of the sort could make all these wonderful, whimsical images, and have one of them persist into the present day. Rest in peace, Cathy Jarboe, you beautiful diamond, you. 6½/10.
- The Master (2012). Mama’s pick for family movie night. Philip Seymour Hoffman is incredible in this as an L. Ron Hubbard–style cult leader, to the extent that you often find yourself agreeing with him — i totally get why people join these sort of things now. Joaquin Phoenix, on the other hand… man, i hate to say it, but i might be falling off the Phoenix train? He’s always doing that same snivelling Joker thing, even when it’s totally inappropriate like in Napoleon, and it’s getting kind of old. Joaquin Phoenix Play A Character With Social Skills Challenge (Impossible). Paul Thomas Anderson directs the shit out of this. 6/10.
- The Hudsucker Proxy (1994). Rewatched with mama.1 Loved it even more than the first time, especially Jennifer Jason Leigh’s character. Just a terribly good-natured film that only sits in obscurity because of its obsequious title. It’s a shame Tim Robbins disappeared after this — i looked up his filmography and he seems to have been in bomb after bomb (Green Lantern, Mission to Mars…). 9/10.
- Poor Things (2023, but didn’t come out until 2024 here). Watched at the Tyneside. I’d been eagerly awaiting this since i saw the bonkers trailer back in September, and it didn’t disappoint. There was a moment 15% of the way through where i thought i might walk out, but good lord, did it ever win me back over! Bella Scissorhands goes on a steampunk adventure across Europe filled with childlike whimsy, discovers herself, has lots of sex, and winds up Mark Ruffalo. Everyone is absolutely brilliant in this — special commendation to Willem Dafoe as a Scottish mad scientist. Already the strong front-runner for my favourite of the year. 9/10.
Mx Tynehorne’s link roundup, volume XXVI

- ProjectMapping.co.uk, a veritable hoard of transportation maps from Britain and around the globe
- Drawing.garden
- Via Techdirt, the most based article ever written: “Plagiarism is fine”
- The Library of Congress’ pronunciation guide to names of public figures
- The rare old-school sci-fi which sets itself on Uranus
- Notes on the Ivory Coast
- Wisnintospa wiosaḑciżpüozjuvxünfie Iţkuil — The new fourth revision of Ithkuil, everyone’s favourite ridiculously complicated conlang
- Jeff Bezos Rowing Boat. I promise you you have no idea where this is going.
The 2023 Satyrs’ Forest Horny Awards™
I would like to kick off the second annual Satyrs’ Forest Horny Awards™ with an epigraph from myself, at the end of 2021, predicting what lay ahead. I wrote, and i quote:
Hahahaha oops!!!
The Laurel Wreath Award for Annual Achievement in Film

Look. Look. I’m not happy about this either. But he got me. That fucking James Cameron boomed me. I’ve never even seen the first one!
Everything about Avatar: The Way of Water puts our decade-long glut of superhero movies to shame. The visuals, thirteen years in the making, are indistinguishable from reality. (You will believe the sexy blue cat people are real, and you will rewatch it three times in Imax and still never figure out how they composited the scrawny human kid in.) Every tiny anthropological detail envelops you in the world of Pandora, meticulously constructed by the new god-king of worldbuilding. But most of all, it’s sincere. There are no tiresome quips of ”well, that just happened”. The characters never make fun of how silly this all is. It just lets itself be itself.
Some might shunt the film’s story and characters to the back seat, and in many ways, that’s fair: nobody goes to see an Avatar movie to find out if Jake and Neytiri get a divorce. But that’s just the James Cameron style, man! He paints with a broad brush, and because of that, his stories connect with everyone from Chicago to Chittagong. Noöne ever complained about Titanic just being Romeo and Juliet on a boat, after all.
So, much as it might bug the poser in me to heap praise upon the fourth-biggest film in history, congratulations to the best film of the year: the one with the smurfs.
The Zoetrope Award for Classic Cinema

I have too many thoughts about Synecdoche, New York and i’ve never been able to organise them all into anything coherent, so i’ve set a timer for fifteen minutes and i’ll just stop when i stop. This is going to be a mess.
So, first of all, this film is only two hours long. I say “only” because it feels like four when you’re watching it. This takes place over, god, what, thirty or forty years? And you feel time slipping away just as Caden does.
Oh, uh, Caden Cotard is our main character, a hypochondriac playwright with ambitions of dizzying scale, played masterfully by the late great Philip Seymour Hoffman. I’m not sure he’s meant to be a real person; rather, just as his fictional play (the size of the actual city of New York) balloons to its own world with its own Caden and its own play, he is just the creation of the unseen Ellen1, one world up, somewhere in between him and Charlie Kaufman.
There’s a moment halfway through that might be the best single second in a movie ever. Caden goes to Berlin to find his long-lost daughter Olive working as a prostitute — and as he enters the brothel, the door creaks behind him… sounding just like a baby’s cry.
I put off watching this movie forever because i knew it was bloody depressing, and indeed, i spent the last half barely containing a film of salt water behind my eyes. Two main candidates for best scene (spoilers!) — Sammy (the stalker who Caden hires to play himself)’s heart breaking, and the very end, where everything fades to grey.
Jon Brion’s score is incredible, by the way.
That shot, when Caden finds out his dad died, and Sammy’s shadow looms behind the curtains like the Grim Reaper? Brilliant.
The one piece of the puzzle i still can’t figure out is what’s up with Maria. She’s this corrupting influence on everyone Caden loves, but bears the name of the Virgin Mary — which makes it difficult to slot her in, as i tried, as the Devil to Ellen’s God. Hm.
It’s funny how Caden never really gets any sicker, but the world around him does. (There’s some gender identity stuff in there too, but honestly it all seems like the type of thing that could be attributed to other stuff to me. I don’t think Caden’s literally trans, he just happens to be the self-insert of a woman.)
That’s my fifteen minutes up. Synecdoche, New York! Greatest movie ever made.
The Pebbledash Dildo Award for Cinematic Disappointment

It all started so innocently. It was a family movie night, and me and my mam were in the mood for something uplifting. I’d asked on Reddit for movies with the same manic exuberance as The Fifth Element or Elvis, where some strange new colourful thing is thrown at the screen a mile a minute and the viewer is ripped along for the ride.
Mad Max: Fury Road? Seen it. Mandy? Not in the mood for horror. But The Congress? Now that sounded interesting. The reviews were coy, but all praised the psychedelic, mind-bending world crafted by director Ari Folman.
Count us in, i suppose. And so began my journey into hell.
To get the “coveted” Pebbledash Dildo, you don’t just have to be bad. It is, after all, an award for disappointment. You must have a kernel of a great idea within you, one that is so simple to make something good out of, and fuck it all up anyway. That kernel can be found in a single brilliant scene, a diamond within this pile of filmic zirconia.

The premise of The Congress is more relevant now than ever, in this age of digital doubles, deepfakes, and AI actors. Robin Wright plays herself, who reluctantly decides to scan herself into digital form, so the studio can use her likeness forevermore without her having to break a sweat. As she stands among the blaring lights of the scanner, her agent recounts to her the story of how they first met, bringing tears to her eyes. It’s a genuinely touching moment, and a springboard off of which so many ideas could dive, a trunk from which so many stories might branch.
Then it all goes to pot, and thirty years later, everyone is permanently on drugs, and so the film switches to oh god what the fuck is that get it off get it off get it off my fucking screen
So Robin Wright, now in a world of terrifying Newgrounds Betty Boop clones, attends the titular congress, where the CEO of the subtly named Miramount does a Hitler rally for his new drug. Then she meets generic Prince Charming man, the very person who scanned her in to the system — an interesting idea that they do absolutely nothing with — and they have ugly cartoon sex, she gets locked in a freezer for 300 years, and she goes in a balloon to find her terminally ill son… or… something?
I have never seen a film fumble the ball this badly, and be such an assault on the senses to boot. You won, Ari. Enjoy the money; i hope it makes you happy. Dear lord, what a sad little life, Ari. You’ve ruined my night completely.
Miscellaneous awards
- The Golden Lyre Award for Excellence in New Music: Edinburgh-based Young Fathers’ euphoric senior album Heavy Heavy stole the show this year.
- The Broken Link Award for Best Use of Hypertext: The best “miscellaneous thing” i saw online was Atlas Altera, an absolutely ludicrous worldbuilding project dedicated to the surgical maximalisation of global diversity.
- The Fred Figglehorn Memorial Award for Online Video: Spanning the end of 2022 to the start of 2023, Geowizard’s “How not to travel America” series brightened up my day every time a new one appeared on my feed. People are just nice!
- The Hubert J. Farnsworth Award for Good News, Everyone!: This one may be a wee bit controversial, but i have to go with the rollout of a new generation of obesity drugs (most famously semaglutide) — which not only finally work to combat obesity, but seem to dull all sorts of other harmful impulses too. One step closer to true freedom of form?
The pauper’s jQuery

Javascript has come a long way since the days of marquee tags and spacer gifs. You can do a lot with the API they give you to mess around with your web page’s content — but alas, so many of the functions have such verbose names!
To solve this, while not having to deal with the heaving weight of jQuery’s ten billion lines of IE6 compatibility, i made my own little alternative, and carry it everywhere with me:
const $ = sel => document.querySelector(sel);
const $$ = sel => document.querySelectorAll(sel);
Element.prototype.$ = Element.prototype.querySelector;
Element.prototype.$$ = Element.prototype.querySelectorAll;
EventTarget.prototype.on = EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener;
const documentReady = fn => document.on("DOMContentLoaded", fn);
What it does, in a nutshell: Use $
to select something matching a
CSS selector, and $$
to select an array of
everything it matches. (This is already available in your browser’s dev tools!) You can
also use it on an element to restrict your search to its children — say,
, or some other such fanciful chaining.
, meanwhile, lets you listen out for events like so:
$("#my-button").on("click", () => { /* Your function here… */ })
Finally, documentReady
is just a nicer name for the frankly obtuse “DOMContentLoaded”.
Enjoy. Or don’t, i suppose. Hopefully it makes your hypertext tinkering just a little nicer. :-)
Lords of Misrule 2023: The rest
I must apologise most profusely for not putting the other submissions for Lords of Misrule on the blog in a timely fashion. They were quite long, and i tended to procrastinate for quite a while on their inclusion, and so i ended up not bothering for fear of cluttering up the timeline with endless scrolling past other people’s creations — not a particularly dignified viewing environment for them.
But here they are in all their glory, on the main site:
- It’s an Ayn Rand Christmas, from one Baki: Scrooge discovers the true meaning of objectivism.
- Space Plumbing, from one Chris of Vacuum Forest: A space station suffers an unfortunate mishap.
- The Tale of Theoxenia Trismegistus, from one Ræl H. Bishop: A satyr discovers the outside world.