The GardenDespatches from The Satyrs’ Forest

Posts tagged as “links”Page 3

Mx Tynehorne’s link roundup, volume XVI
I heard this lovely song on Radio 6 and was shocked to discover it only had about two thousand views on Youtube. Go get it up to three thousand, will you?
Bonus music, because i love you. (Platonically. As much as an author can love a hypothetical reader whose life she knows no deta— you know what i mean.)

Mx Tynehorne’s link roundup, volume XV

A parked lorry, late at night, bearing the name "Discordia" on its side.
Seen on the way back home from Manchester — why on earth would you call your logistics company “Discordia”? It’s like calling an airline “Icarus”. Just asking for trouble.

Mx Tynehorne’s link roundup, volume XIV

A bin with the front and binbag taken off
Fuckers took my bin. Can’t have shit in… erm… wherever the exit to this forest is?

Shatner on space

I was originally going to post this excerpt from William Shatner’s new memoir, printed in Variety, alongside the usual link roundup, but something about it touched me enough to give it its own post.

Mr Shatner, in his own words, on his first trip to space:

I continued my self-guided tour and turned my head to face the other direction, to stare into space. I love the mystery of the universe. I love all the questions that have come to us over thousands of years of exploration and hypotheses. Stars exploding years ago, their light traveling to us years later; black holes absorbing energy; satellites showing us entire galaxies in areas thought to be devoid of matter entirely… all of that has thrilled me for years… but when I looked in the opposite direction, into space, there was no mystery, no majestic awe to behold … all I saw was death.

I saw a cold, dark, black emptiness. It was unlike any blackness you can see or feel on Earth. It was deep, enveloping, all-encompassing. I turned back toward the light of home. I could see the curvature of Earth, the beige of the desert, the white of the clouds and the blue of the sky. It was life. Nurturing, sustaining, life. Mother Earth. Gaia. And I was leaving her.

It was among the strongest feelings of grief I have ever encountered. The contrast between the vicious coldness of space and the warm nurturing of Earth below filled me with overwhelming sadness. Every day, we are confronted with the knowledge of further destruction of Earth at our hands: the extinction of animal species, of flora and fauna … things that took five billion years to evolve, and suddenly we will never see them again because of the interference of mankind. It filled me with dread. My trip to space was supposed to be a celebration; instead, it felt like a funeral.

Upon returning to earth, and trying to put his story into words for the first time, he was, as you may remember, bluntly cut off by Jeff Bezos, asking for more champagne:

Mx van Hoorn’s link roundup, volume XIII

The shadow of a bathtub tap appears to form an OK hand
I can’t believe i got 👌’d by a sodding bathtub.

I suppose it’s only fair that the first roundup of October is spooky number thirteen, and we’re starting things off with a suitably spooky link:

Mx van Hoorn’s link roundup, volume XII

A clock made of flowers

Mx van Hoorn’s link roundup, volume XI

The skyline of Gateshead
Pic, as always, unrelated.

Mx van Hoorn’s link roundup, volume X

A comparison between Hubble and JWST images of a ring nebula; the side representing Webb has far more detail
Don’t make a Goatse joke, don’t make a Goatse joke, don’t make a Goatse joke…

Mx van Hoorn’s link roundup, Volume IX

I had a really good idea for a post the other night. Then i fell asleep and promptly forgot it, so you’re getting this instead — apologies.

Mx van Hoorn’s link roundup, Volume VIII

Twelve statuettes of everyone’s favourite cartoon cat, Garfield, themed after the twelve signs of the zodiac.
Pic unrelated.

Is it really almost June? Good heavens, it’s been a while. Here’s your regular dose of links, to help you surf the inter-webs.


Hey, kid, wanna hear a secret? Don’t tell anyone i told you this, but i’ve got some Secret Links for you. This isn’t your usual weekly shit — these are the links i’m saving for the big satyrs dot ee you slash linkroll. Deluxe links. Gourmet, even. Straight from my “Work (Copy 3) (final)” folder.

Mx van Hoorn’s link roundup, Volume VII

A dirt path reroutes itself around a fallen birch tree under a canopy.
Desire paths have started to solidify around the trees felled by Storm Arwen. (Human) nature is healing.

Good lord, has it really been a month since the last one? Anyway. New month, new URL, new links. You know the drill.

Mx van Hoorn’s link roundup, Volume VI

Graffiti covers the walls of an archway underpass, its floor  tiled with loose cobbles
Found under a Newcastle viaduct.

Well, i don’t know about you, but i’ve had a nice few weeks. Went to see the new Batman at the cinema, bought some records, went out on a couple of jaunts — you get the idea. Anyway. Links.

Mx van Hoorn’s link roundup, Volume V

A pair of salt and pepper shakers labelled "cocaine" and "heroin" for sale in a museum gift shop
Pic unrelated.

You know how this works. From X to Y, here’s some links i’ve scavenged from around the ’net.