- Ofcom maintains a list of every swear word in the English language by severity. Taxpayer money at work!
- ‘The Michelangelo of Middlesbrough’: Man spends twenty-seven thousand hours on a scale model of the destroyed St. Hilda’s district
- Blue Abyss: Plans to build the world’s deepest pool in Cornwall
- 50 Years of Text Games covers Silverwolf, one of many games made by St. Bride’s School, a *checks notes* lesbian Victorian schoolgirl cult
- New Chvrches song just dropped, featuring Robert Smith of the Cure
The Youtube rabbit hole:
- Blade Runner but Mr. Blobby is there [30 seconds]
- Incredible million to one train shot [1 minute]
- Can you really move the French–Belgian border by accident with a tractor? The twist at the end opened my fourth eye [9 minutes]
Posts tagged as “links”Page 5
Links for the 26th of May
- The Berglas Effect, the greatest and unexplainedest card trick of all time — the comments speculate that he has 52 pre-shuffled decks with a card in each position; perhaps they’re on to something
- The London Blossom Garden
- Uberduck.ai — finally, you can get a synthetic Jeremy Clarkson to cuss your friends out
- Topotijdreis — compare survey maps of the Netherlands from 1815 to the present day [NL]
- Similarly, the National Library of Scotland lets you compare satellite photos, modern-day maps, and old Ordnance Survey maps of Great Britain
- Down the Youtube rabbit hole:
Links for the 22nd of May
- The Crossrail omnishambles: “There were times when there was no design for anyone to work from.”
- “Oerknal: now that’s clear language”: an appreciation of the disappearing scientific words of Dutch [NL]α
- The Netherlands could become the second country where you can be legally unreachable in your free timeβ [NL]
- A third thumb, controlled by pressure sensors in the foot: okay, now where do i buy one of these?
- The North Paw: an ankle bracelet that vibrates to tell you which way is north. Intriguing, but no longer in stock — and wearing it would probably make you look like you’re meant to be on house arrest
- River Runner: Click to drop a raindrop anywhere in the contiguous United States and watch where it ends up — absolutely entrancing, nine-year-old me would have loved this
Welcome to the new Garden
Ah, i see you made it over. Welcome, one and all, to the new, improved, Press-tastic The Garden! After months of having to toil away at arcane computer code and consoles for the old version, i’ve coughed up the money for a real web host, freeing me to use the much more user-friendly WordPress.
The new home is a little rough around the edges in some places; as a novice, i wasn’t able to fully replicate everything. I think, though, that the missing pieces are more than made up for by what’s new: you can now natively search through the archive of posts, i can post shorter postsγ without having to go through so much faff, and most importantly, we now have comments!
So, with pride, here is the first dump of links of the new blog:
- Churchill sings the best of Queen
- Ben Perkins, teenage blacksmith
- Fifty beautiful photos of Earth from the Apollo programme, restored to their full glory
- Coke and Mentos bottle hits cameraman — this one’s a vintage, from 2012
- Randomly discover cool links with Stumbled — if you remember StumbledUpon, it’s like that
- Popcat.click
- ThisFuckedUpHomerDoesNotExist.com
And allow me to finally say: Leave your thoughts in the comments below! (Or don’t. I’m not your mum.)
Welcome to the new Garden
Ah, i see you made it over. Welcome, one and all, to the new, improved, Press-tastic The Garden! After months of having to toil away at arcane computer code and consoles for the old version, i’ve coughed up the money for a real web host, freeing me to use the much more user-friendly WordPress.
The new home is a little rough around the edges in some places; as a novice, i wasn’t able to fully replicate everything. I think, though, that the missing pieces are more than made up for by what’s new: you can now natively search through the archive of posts, i can post shorter postsδ without having to go through so much faff, and most importantly, we now have comments!
So, with pride, here is the first dump of links of the new blog:
- Churchill sings the best of Queen
- Ben Perkins, teenage blacksmith
- Fifty beautiful photos of Earth from the Apollo programme, restored to their full glory
- Coke and Mentos bottle hits cameraman — this one’s a vintage, from 2012
- Randomly discover cool links with Stumbled — if you remember StumbledUpon, it’s like that
- Popcat.click
- ThisFuckedUpHomerDoesNotExist.com
And allow me to finally say: Leave your thoughts in the comments below! (Or don’t. I’m not your mum.)
Welkom bij de nieuwe Tuin
Ah, je hebt het gemaakt. Welkom, een en al, bij de nieuwe, verbeterde, Press-tastische Tuin! Maandenlang zwoegd ik met esoterische computercode en consoles voor de oude versie. Nu heb ik eindelijk het geld opgehoest voor een echte webhost, met de véél gebruiksvriendelijker software WordPress.
Op sommige plaatsen is het nieuwe site een beetje ruw: ik ben maar een beginner, dus ik kon niet álles kopiëren! Maar ik denk dat de missende stukken goedgemaakt worden door wat nieuw is: ingebouwd zoeken, het vermogen om kortere berichten te postenε, en bovenal, reacties!
Dus hier is, met trots, de eerste linkverzameling van de nieuwe blog:
- Churchill zingt het beste van Queen
- Ben Perkins, 17-jarige hoefsmid
- Vijftig prachtige foto’s van het Aarde als gezien in het Apollo-programma, hersteld in hun volle glorie
- Cola en Mentos-fontein raakt cameraman — deze is een vintage, van 2012
- Ontdek willekeurig coole links met Stumbled
- Popcat.click
- ThisFuckedUpHomerDoesNotExist.com
En sta me toe om eindelijk te zeggen: Laat uw gedachten achter hieronder! (Of niet. Ik ben niet je moeder.)